Project PTSD


The Community Advocacy Alliance (CAA) is embarking on a project to examine the impact of the process endured by Police diagnosed with PTSD and other mental illness and in particular where ‘Judicial performance management’ was applied.

We have been approached by a number of Police veterans who suffer PTSD and to put it bluntly the stories they are relating are harrowing.

“Judicial performance management” the process where the powers of police are used inappropriately against police are at the fore. Powers that would never be countenanced against a criminal.

The issues relate to the process, which is humiliating and draconian in its methodology and drives the sufferer to greater despair rather than what we would expect from VicPol. Activities like questionable alleged offences where an offer is made to accept a resignation in lieu of being charged seem common.

The process ‘Judicial performance management’ was identified by Terry Flanders a former NSW Police member in his recently published piece, ‘No further correspondence will be entered into’.

Independently the activities by a Police Force can be rationalised away but there is a growing body of evidence that this process, ‘Judicial performance management’, when looked at as a whole (modus operandi) is now being described as ‘Work Place Health and Safety (WHS) criminal recidivism’ by the New South Wales Police Force and this may equally apply to Victoria.

We suspect, but do not know the extent of this practice in Victoria, however, we have heard enough to be suspicious that it could be rampant.

If you believe you have been the victim of ‘Judicial performance management’, or similar, please contact the CAA via the contact page on,

No information provided will be communicated without your express permission.

If the practise is as rampant as we suspect our intention is to expose it. Light can be an effective disinfectant.

We cannot let this situation continue.


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