SECURITY NEWS: SNP Security Canines awarded service medals from the Australian Defence Force Trackers and War Dog Association in Western Sydney


SNPOn the 5th of August, four SNP Security Canines, together with their handlers, were awarded service medals by the Australian Defence Force Trackers and War Dog Association (ADFTWDA) in a ceremony hosted in Western Sydney. The medals were in recognition of more than five years of service for the Australian government. This brings SNP’s tally to a total 15 canines who have been awarded a service medal from the ADFTWDA.

P1020853 (Large)The issuing of canine service medals by ADFTWDA outside of the military environment is not very common and the prestigious association only issues medals to canines who work on a Government contract for more than 5 years. SNP has a current workforce of over 85 canine handlers across a variety of Transport Services, and are currently providing detection canines (German Shepard’s) to Sydney Trains, Light Rail, Downer EDI and Casula Central for the protection of staff and assets. SNP is one of very few Australian security companies who have this many deployed dogs issued with these honourable service medals.

The Canines are bred and trained in Sydney’s West at the provider’s kennels in Londonderry NSW, where the SNP dog handlers are also trained.


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