Asia Pacific Regional Workshop on Fighting Cybercrime


Dr. Choo presented as an invited expert at the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime– International Telecommunication Union (UNODC–ITU) “Asia-Pacific Regional Workshop on Fighting Cybercrime” from 21st to 23rd September 2011 in Seoul, Republic of Korea.

The Workshop was supported by the Korean Supreme Prosecutors’ Office (which hosted the meeting), the Korean Institute of Criminology and the Korean Internet Security Agency. This workshop, a part of UNODC’s Towards AsiaJust Programme and ITU’s Hyderabad Action Plan, aims to :

• Enhance prosecutorial, legal and judicial awareness on the needs of specific technical skills to confront cyber crime;
• Understand the technical skills required to effectively tackle cyber crime;
• Strengthen anti-cyber crime capacity in the region by bridging knowledge and skills gap between technical and legal communities; and
• Increase co-operation between legal and technical communities on fighting cyber crime.

Workshop outcome
During the workshop, views on current and future issues in cyber security and resultant cyber crime were collected from over 60 industry experts, ICT security specialists, public prosecutors and other representatives from 20 Asia-Pacific countries. The meeting recognised that:

• There is a need for the criminalization of cyber crime including conventional crimes facilitated by electronic means;
• There is a need for top level political commitment to support counter-cyber crime efforts;
• Participating countries are at different stages of development in countering cyber crime;
• There is a need to acknowledge the importance of cooperation and coordination amongst different stakeholders at the national level;
• There is a need to develop regional and international consensus and standards regarding cyber crime and digital evidence gathering;
• There is a need to enhance emphasis on cooperation, nationally (public–private entities), regionally as well as internationally (international partners);
• There is a need to ensure emphasis on education and prevention of cyber crime;

The meeting agreed that…
• As a first step, countries are encouraged, where needed, to elaborate and undertake a comprehensive assessment of cyber security and cyber crime at the national level;
• For countries which are at the start of their response to the threat posed by cyber crime, a holistic approach should be adopted encompassing…

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