2022 Defence Sales Catalogue


The sixth edition of the Australian Defence Sales Catalogue has been released and showcases the range of products, technologies, and services available for export from Australia’s world-class defence industry sector.

The Catalogue is a key export marketing tool for facilitating foreign government interest in the Australian defence industry sector.

Minister for Defence Industry Melissa Price said the Catalogue highlighted the strength and breadth of the Australian defence industry sector. “This year’s Catalogue features 226 Australian businesses across the states and territories,” Minister Price said. “It is great to see 44 new companies who were not featured last year.”

The Catalogue includes select surplus Australian Defence Force equipment and platforms shortly coming out of service.

Platforms will be available to Australia’s international partners on a Government-to-Government and Commercial-to-Government sales transfer basis.

The annual publication includes a section on government support to defence industry companies via the Australian Defence Export Office, the Office of Defence Industry Support, Defence Export Controls, Export Finance Australia and Austrade.

All exports of controlled goods and technology are subject to an independent and rigorous assessment process in accordance with Australia’s Defence Export Control legislation.
