In the wake of the tragic and senseless attack at Bondi Junction on Saturday which resulted in six fatalities, including security officer Faraz Ahmed Tahir, ASIAL says it welcomes the independent review announced by NSW Premier Minns of current restrictions on the use of personal protective equipment for security officers.
Every worker should feel safe in their workplace, security officers are no different.
As the peak body for security professionals, ASIAL comments that it looks forward to participating in the review to ensure that there is a thorough and measured approach that results in meaningful and long-lasting outcomes that strengthen protections for security officers.
ASIAL says it has long called for security officers to be recognised for the important role they perform by including them within the definition of a frontline worker. This would afford greater protection of their role as frontline workers against serious threats and assaults made against them in the course of carrying out their duties.
ASIAL adds that it will continue to advocate for recognition of the role performed by Australia’s 162,535 licensed security personnel and for the introduction of nationally consistent security regulatory standards.