ASIS International Announces the Opening of Registrations for the 2011 Asia-Pacific Conference and Exhibition


Press Contact: Aileen Tang
ASIS International Asia-Pacific Bureau
Tel: +61 2 8211 2712, Fax: +61 2 8211 0555

ASIS International Announces the Opening of Registrations for the 2011 Asia-Pacific Conference and Exhibition

Sydney, Australia (23 September, 2011).

ASIS International has announced that it is now accepting registrations for the ASIS 5th Asia Pacific Conference and Exhibition, taking place on 5-7 December 2011 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
ASIS expects to welcome more than 300 senior security professionals and CSOs at the Crown Plaza Mutiara Hotel to share best practices, exchange ideas and discuss security challenges that are being faced in the region and around the globe.
The conference will open with the President’s Reception on Monday 5 December at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre followed by two consecutive days of 33 education sessions, keynotes and a closing panel, including:

  • Mark Hargraves CPP, PSP, Head of Physical Protective Security, The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Scott Bernat, Resident Agent in Charge, US Naval Criminal Investigative Services
  • Professor Alay Ahmad, Dean, Head Department of Applied Psychology and Mass Communication, Research Director, Preston University Kohat-Peshawar-Islamabad Pakistan
  • Jason Brown, National Security Director, Thales Australia

The conference schedule allows for dedicated time for sponsors and exhibitors to network with conference attendees during the coffee and lunch breaks and during the Networking Drinks on Tuesday 6 December at the exhibition area in Crown Plaza Mutiara.
Craig Millar CPP, Security and Risk Officer of Royal Bank of Scotland commented: “I’ve attended 2 of the recent ASIS International Asia Pacific Conferences and found them to be a great source of information, inspiration and excellent networking events. There have been a great variety of professional presenters from around the globe delivering very informative presentations on challenges that Security managers face in today’s complex world”.
Douglas Renwick CPP, PSP, Managing Director of Securitas Security Services (Hong Kong) said: “Attending the conference is an important part of keeping ahead of what is going on and understanding the market situation. I also enjoy the opportunity to network with my colleagues, peers and friends”.

The CSO Roundtable of ASIS International, the invitation and members-only forum of senior executives from the world’s largest organizations, will run sessions in parallel with the main ASIS educational programme. The CSO Roundtable track will be tailored to the specific needs of the most senior security executives covering a range of business and risk issues specific to the Asia-Pacific region.

Registered conference attendees will have access to all education sessions, including keynotes, networking events and the exhibition hall. Exhibition only tickets are also available. Members and non-members alike are encouraged to register through the ASIS website before 14 October 2011 to take advantage of the early bird special.

For information about this conference, and to register please visit or contact the
ASIS Asia-Pacific Bureau at or +61 2 8211 2712.


About ASIS International:
ASIS International (ASIS) is the pre-eminent organization for professionals responsible for security, with more than 37,000 members
worldwide. Founded in 1955, ASIS is dedicated to increasing the effectiveness and productivity of security professionals by developing
educational programmes and materials that address broad security interests, such as the ASIS International Annual Seminar and Exhibits, as
well as specific security topics. ASIS also advocates the role and value of the security management profession to business, the media,
governmental entities and the general public. By providing members and the security community with access to a full range of programmes
and services, and by publishing the industry’s leading magazine, Security Management, ASIS leads the way for advanced and improved
security performance. For more information, visit and


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