Australia New Zealand Police Artificial Intelligence Principles


On behalf of Police Commissioners of Australia and New Zealand, ANZPAA is officially releasing the Australia New Zealand Police Artificial Intelligence (AI) Principles.

These Principles guide the ethical and responsible use of AI by Australian and New Zealand Police and promote cross-jurisdictional consistency.

The Principles aim to build greater public trust and confidence and signify a commitment to community safety and harm minimisation in the adoption and deployment of AI systems.

The development and release of the Principles occurs during a period of rapid AI growth and widespread calls for greater oversight and regulation.

As such, the Principles reflect police’s commitments to using AI responsibly and address key concerns relating to the safe, ethical and reliable use of AI by law enforcement agencies.

The Principles were developed in consultation and collaboration with jurisdictional subject matter experts from across Australia and New Zealand.

They will be reviewed on an ongoing basis to ensure police can keep pace with developments in the technological and social landscape.

As society continues to recognise and leverage the transformative potential of AI, the principles demonstrate law enforcement’s commitment to using this technology in a way that prioritises the safety and wellbeing of their communities.
