Cirrus Real Time Processing Systems to deliver High-Tech Training Systems to Defence


Small Sydney-based business Cirrus Real Time Processing Systems has been awarded a three-year, $7.5 million contract to improve the Royal Australian Navy’s training system capacity.

Minister for Defence Industry Melissa Price said the new contract extends Cirrus’ role in delivering Tactical Electronic Warfare (TACEW) simulation training systems.

Cirrus has previously provided high-tech simulation workstations to Navy’s School of Maritime Warfare, located at HMAS Watson, assisting to prepare the Navy’s sailors for duties at sea by blending traditional classroom learning with hands on practical training.

“This contract demonstrates the capability of Australian businesses to continue delivering world-leading defence technology,” Minister Price said.

“Cirrus is just one example of how Australia’s defence industry provides cutting-edge technologies to help prepare the Australian Defence Force for the future.

“This investment demonstrates that our industry has the ability to develop and deliver world-leading advanced simulation engineering technology, to increase the Navy’s electronic warfare expertise.”

Cirrus has successfully provided other training systems for the Navy, including the Communications Centre simulator at HMAS Cerberus, and the Mine Hunting Simulation System at HMAS Waterhen.
