GraphAware Hume has announced a partnership with the Western Australia Police Force to deliver criminal graph analytics.
Investigators and Intelligence Analysts are now utilising repeatable and scalable methods to connect the dots to rapidly identify, locate and associate offenders and persons at risk. The ability to perform visual queries across linked data sources in real-time is delivering more effective decision-making and faster crime-solving for the community of Western Australia.
To enhance the operational capability, GraphAware Hume breaks down data silos and creates a single view of intelligence for analysts to consume in their day-to-day work. This connected database can serve a range of operational and tactical domains, including organised crime, counter-terrorism and frontline policing.
“We understand the challenges that the connected world brings to intelligence analysts and have created GraphAware Hume together with leading law enforcement agencies as the answer to their needs,” says Michal Bachman, CEO of GraphAware. “I truly believe that criminal intelligence analysis of the future is powered by graphs. By implementing Hume and Neo4j, WA Police Force is taking a very important step towards advanced, data science and machine learning assisted policing.”
WA Police Force analysts are already realising notable benefits in trialling the system, with a Senior Tactical Intelligence Analyst working in the field of sex crime investigations commenting, “The centralisation of data from numerous standalone systems allows us to identify links and associations much more efficiently in one place. The system has instantaneously produced results that would have taken a human a significant amount of time to conduct manual analysis, and in some cases identified links that would have unlikely been identified at all.”