Defence Industry Security Program


The Defence Subcommittee of the Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade is conducting a new inquiry, focussing on important aspects of the Auditor General’s Report No. 4 (2021-22) Defence’s Contract Administration – Defence Industry Security Program (DISP).

Chair of the Subcommittee, Mr Julian Hill MP, explained that “the committee has decided to exercise its oversight powers and conduct a public review of the Department of Defence’s compliance with the Auditor-General’s recommendations in relation to the Defence Industry Security Program.

“National security imperatives require Defence to execute and enforce strict contractual obligations with defence industry.

“The Auditor-General raised serious concerns regarding Defence’s implementation of the Defence Industry Security Program and management of non-compliance which is fundamental to assuring the security of Defence’s people, information and assets.

“Defence had not established fit for purpose arrangements to monitor compliance with contracted DISP requirements.

“The Committee will examine Defence’s progress in implementing the six primary recommendations it committed to a year ago.”

The Subcommittee is now inviting written submissions, by 4 November 2022.
