Published by the Australian Security Industry Association Limited (ASIAL), ‘from light to intelligent pixels’ is a definitive new reference manual by one of the world’s leading CCTV experts, Vlado Damjanovski – the first of its kind to explain and demystify digital video surveillance and AI applications.
The global CCTV or IP Video Surveillance Systems (IP VSS) market as it is now officially called, is projected to grow to more than $200 billion by 2027. An overwhelming mix of various sciences and technologies, IP VSS encompasses light, optics, imaging sensors, image processing, video compression, networking, computers, storage media, programming, designing, AI and much more.
IP VSS has advanced from simple monitoring devices to comprehensive solutions that can be applied in every vertical industry and market sector. The integration of AI technology is increasing performance capability at every level, which is enhancing the wide scale application of video surveillance systems.
Written by leading global CCTV and IP VSS expert Vlado Damjanovski, ‘from light to intelligent pixels’ is a unique and definitive reference covering digital video surveillance and AI applications.
Available in both digital and print (paperback only) formats, ‘from light to intelligent pixels’ is a comprehensive 689-page reference resource that provides an understanding of:
- Limitations of the various transmission media in terms of distances and bandwidth (fibre-optics, Cat cables, Wi-Fi);
- Why AI deep recognition algorithms are now popular in modern video analytics
- The use of formulas to plan required HDD storage for the desired length of recording;
- What ONVIF is and how to use various network commands to discover IP devices;
- The correct microSD card to use for your camera edge recording;
- How to set up your camera’s electronic exposure for the best picture of moving objects;
- Why the size of the pixels matters more than simply their number;
- The process of designing an IP VSS system, from talking and listening to your customers, through to design consideration and the process of drawing, installing, commissioning and training;
- How to use the illustrated examples from the book to verify if your cameras satisfy the tender requirements (pixel density, angle of coverage etc);
- How to use a modern test chart and analyse key camera specifications such as resolution and minimum illumination;
- New image and video compressions.
Speaking about the book’s publication author Vlado Damjanovski said, “CCTV has been my life’s work. In writing this book, I have sought to cover the important elements of modern IP CCTV / VSS systems in a systematic and easy to follow manual, with plenty of illustrations and examples, which add to better and easier understanding of various concepts, technologies and standards.”
“I hope that from light to intelligent pixels will be used by professionals from all around the world for many years to come.”
Commenting on the book’s release, ASIAL General Manager John Fleming said, “With IP VSS technologies growing and developing exponentially in recent years, the need for a definitive reference resource on this dynamic and rapidly evolving technology is long overdue”.
“From light to intelligent pixels is an important new resource for installers, security managers, consultants, manufacturers, AI developers, robotic and drone visual technologists, and for all those interested in using IP VSS.”