Hills Limited announces the appointment of Janet Muir

Director and former chairperson Ms Jennifer Hill-Ling has officially retired from Hills as of 18 October 2021. With Ms Hill-Ling’s retirement, Hills has appointed Ms Janet Muir (pictured) as a non-executive director.

Hills’ Chairman David Chambers said Jennifer has been a significant part of the Company’s history during her 35 years on the Hills board and 16 years as Chairman.

“It has been a privilege to work with Jennifer given her wealth of experience, leadership, and commitment. Her focus in recent years on business renewal has resulted in the rationalisation of the distribution division, and the turnaround of our healthcare solutions business into a future growth engine for Hills,” he said. “Jennifer retires with our sincere thanks for her outstanding commitment and tireless efforts.”

Ms Hill-Ling said, “It has been my great privilege to serve on the board. Hills will continue to have the strong support of the Hill-Ling family as the Board and chief executive David Clarke implement the Company’s growth initiatives.”

Ms Muir leads one of Australia’s largest allied hearing healthcare providers, Audika, which provides comprehensive hearing health care across Australia and New Zealand through a network of more than 400 clinics. She has been Audika’s ANZ Managing Director for Retail since 2014. Audika is part of the Demant Group, a world-leading hearing healthcare group that is listed on Nasdaq Copenhagen.

Ms Muir has extensive senior executive experience within large-scale healthcare organisations, including as Group General Manager Strategy at St Vincent’s Health Australia, Group Manager Strategic Development at St John of God Healthcare, and Director of Finance at St John of God Pathology.

She holds several directorships, including on the board of New Zealand Hearing Industry Association, and until July 2021, the Hearing Care Industry Association (Australia).

Ms Muir is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, holds a Bachelor of Business and Administration (Accounting) from Curtin University of Technology and an MBA from the University of Melbourne, Melbourne Business School. She is also member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants.

Hills’ Annual General Meeting is to be held on Wednesday, 24 November 2021.
