Morse Watchmans announces key control and asset management systems best practices whitepaper


Morse Watchmans, the leading supplier of key control and management systems, has published a whitepaper titled Best Practices Provide Best Value When Implementing Key Control and Asset Management Systems. The document, available on the Morse Watchmans website at, presents useful information for deploying key control and asset management solutions, such as designing and customizing a system, software add-ons and system integration, and an introduction to the technology.

“The challenge in today’s physical security market goes beyond simply adding new technology solutions. We need to ensure that the benefits and value of the technology are fully realized,” says Fernando Pires, VP Sales and Marketing, Morse Watchmans. “By capitalising on the insights provided in this whitepaper, organizations can better adopt and utilize key management technology to realise decreased operational and financial risk.”

Key control and asset management technology is seeing significant growth across a broad range of applications, as it offers a reliable and cost effective method to improve building security by ensuring that facility keys are properly managed with regard to access, storage and tracking. The whitepaper introduces key control system solutions as an integral component of an overall security plan and helps guide users through an implementation.


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