New appointment for Pilgrims Group


David Peploe, Pilgrims GroupPilgrims Group Limited has appointed internationally respected risk management strategist, David Peploe, as its Director of Global Operations.

The company, which provides risk management and security services to some of the world’s highest profile corporations and media organisations, has announced Peploe’s appointment as part of a strategic five year growth plan.

Peploe, whose background includes 17 years of military and Government experience with Special Forces and the Intelligence Services plus 13 years of corporate risk management, will be responsible for driving Pilgrims growth in new regions while maintaining focus in its core business areas of Afghanistan, Iraq and the Middle East.

“In the last ten years, Pilgrims has developed from a small business to a global enterprise with a very solid reputation and an enviable portfolio of international clients.” says Peploe. “I am looking forward to building our business in new territories, including Libya, and assisting in achieving our stated growth strategy. This will involve increasing our capacity through a combination of financial investment and organisational enhancements.”

Pilgrims Managing Director, Bill Freear, affirms; “David has wide ranging experience across the risk management spectrum, yet he remains down to earth and a good listener and he is willing, capable and eager to deal with all our clients’ challenges. His experience and ambition for growth within a growing, global company made him the perfect choice for this role.”

“Pilgrims has enjoyed 15 percent to 30 percent growth annually, developed significant global coverage and diversified to offer 15 different services,” Freear continues. “I am confident David will help us maintain that track record.”


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