Senior police and prison officers call for drug law reform


Launch of groundbreaking Australia21 report on drug law reform

Australia21_logoWhen even police, prison officers and lawyers are calling for drug law reform, you know it’s time for Australia’s politicians to support change. Burying their heads in the sand will only leave more families burying the children failed by current policies.

There are more than 80,000 drug consumer arrests in Australia annually, but that has not stopped the rise in drug-related deaths, disease, injuries, crimes and social costs.

Australia21 have released a report that asks the question ‘Can Australia respond to drugs more effectively and safely?’ and the answer is a resounding ‘yes’ on both accounts.

Jeff Kennett, founder of BeyondBlue and former Liberal Premier of Victoria, and Bob Carr, former Labor Minister for Foreign Affairs and former Premier of New South Wales, launched the report at NSW Parliament House.

The report calls for a vigorous national discussion aimed at improving outcomes for drug users, their families, their friends and all Australians.

Can you help us ramp up the conversation?
Watch our drug law reform video and share it as widely as you can:

lets shape a better future

And another compelling video on the topic, this time from the US Drug Policy Alliance:

compelling video

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