6th Iraq Aviation & Defense Summit


In its sixth year, the Iraq Aviation and Defense Summit (IADS) is the world’s largest and most respected event focused on Iraq’s aviation, security, and defense challenges and opportunities. IADS is the only event where you will hear from senior officials who are responsible for shaping the future of Iraq’s aviation and defense.

IADS has featured senior ranking Iraqi military officers, policy makers & government decision makers.

Since the Iraqi Government gained full responsibility of providing security to Iraqis a year ago, Iraq’s security ministries have been making headways in instilling the rule of law across all of Iraq. Officers of Iraq’s security ministries are strengthening security and stability in their land, and enhancing their capabilities to deter all threats against Iraq’s sovereignty, security, and territorial integrity.

New-Fields Exhibitions is giving you an excellent opportunity to aid in the rebuilding efforts of Iraq by hosting the 6th Iraq Aviation and Defense Summit in Washington, D.C.

• Network with senior Iraqi military officers, policy-makers and government decision-makers
• Gain fi rst-hand knowledge from Iraqi security and defense leaders
• Learn how to assist the Iraqi government to overcome its security and defense challenges
• Understand the current Iraqi military challenges
• Develop a business plan for the Iraqi military market
• Hear from those who are responsible for shaping the future of aviation, security and military requirements in Iraq
• Discuss critical issues related to the aviation and defense of Iraq

1. United States Forces – Iraq officers

2. Iraq’s security ministers

3. Iraqi Training and Advisory Mission (ITAM) offi cers
• ITAM-Army to build the Iraqi Army
• ITAM-Air Force to build the Iraqi Air Force
• ITAM-Navy to support the Iraqi Navy, Marines and Coast Guard
• ITAM-Police building the various Iraqi police agencies
• ITAM-Intel TT to build the military and police information organizations
• ITAM-MOD to advise the Ministry of Defense staff
• ITAM-MOI to advise the Ministry of Interior staff

4. Iraqi Security Assistance Mission offi cers
• ISAM Army
• ISAM Navy
• ISAM Air Force
• ISAM Logistics/End Use Monitoring
• ISAM International Military Education and Training/Out of Country Training

5. Senior corporate executives and key fi gures from the global defense, security and aviation sectors
6. Prime contractors for Iraqi projects
7. Iraqi airport offi cials and key fi gures in the aviation sector
8. Foreign crisis management specialists who can contribute in formulating an action plan consensus in rebuilding Iraq’s security and aviation sectors.

If you wish to learn more go to http://www.new-fields.com/iads6/


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