Senetas’ new entry-level, high-performance encryption hardware achieves government standard certification


Senetas LogoSenetas answering the call for robust encryption solutions to meet the needs of businesses of all sizes

Senetas Corporation Limited, Australia’s world-leading data protection company, recently announced its latest entry-level, high-speed CN 4010 and CN 6010 encryptors have been officially granted the US government’s FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standards) certification. This independent, international government testing authority certification reinforces Senetas’ achievement in designing and manufacturing the only products of their type in the world to be certified by all three leading international, independent testing authorities.

The FIPS certification not only ensures that there are adequate solutions to meet strict US government standards, but also that small to medium sized organisations now have access to this high level of protection and assurance. FIPS certification is required by a range of US government organisations to ensure the product meets all required performance standards, which is vital for developing solutions for the US government sector as well as its valuable commercial sector. The CN 4010 and CN 6010 leverage Senetas’ local research and development to offer a certified, high-speed, high-performance solution to address smaller-scale business encryption needs and to assist with wider business compliance with the recent amendments to the Australian Privacy Principles.

“Too many organisations are risking catastrophic loss of reputation and financial losses by not encrypting transmitted data and as such, are beginning to recognise the value of certified solutions that give them the assurance they have selected the optimal solution,” says Senetas CEO Andrew Wilson. “In this climate of increased data network risks of eavesdropping, information theft, breaches of privacy, damaging input of rogue data and other serious risks, certifications provide vital peace of mind.”

Wilson says the market response in the US, Europe and UK since announcing the CN4010 and CN 6010 encryptors has been strong.

“Businesses around the world are seeking solutions that offer robust network data security without compromising their networks’ performance,” Wilson explained. “This motivated us to use our local R&D capabilities to extend our defense-grade encryption platform and be the first to support small to medium enterprises looking for a low investment, high performance encryption solution.”

Mr Wilson added: “With the many recent examples of software encryption solutions and “open” technologies suffering breaches, Senetas’ hardware encryptor certifications are increasingly important. We’ve invested enormously in independent, international testing authorities certifications which subject all of our products to the toughest testing scrutiny possible. This has allowed us to provide a low-cost entry to the full benefits of certified high-speed encryption hardware, dedicated to the single task of protecting information.”


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